Kicking in with ‘The Killer Inside Me’, Waves of Fury’s debut EP sets the band up as one part Jesus and Mary Chain with their fuzzy guitars, one part Iggy & The Stooges with the proto-punk vocals. And another part a blustering brass orientated and djembe noodling world music act (not forgetting the pianos).
‘Jellyroll’ and ‘Death of a Vampire’ take them on a more party friendly route. Here the brass takes a more up front and skank-y approach. It’s in ‘Pretender Soul’, with its minimalistic keys and acosutic guitars mixed with a mellow, ambient soundscape, that the band really take off though. The intimate vocals and the looping, deep bass line find just right balance somewhere between Britpop and My Bloody Valentine.
Despite the angry band name and downbeat song titles, and the kiss off in ‘Pretender Soul’ (“all our sadness, all our pain”) the upbeat and booming scuzz ska sound here winks to the fun side of this trio.
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