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Justice – Audio, Visual, Disco

Album review

Some acts are timeless. Some acts come and go. Justice are deffinitely an act which should have been the latter.

Returning with an album with sounds so 80s glam they really should perform it in neon platforms, the result is an album which doesn’t just sound out of date, it sounds of out fashion. And in music, being ‘fashionable’ is a sure fire way to never make it onto the headsets of a fan base wider than that of your first releases.

Despite stating that they don’t find pop music exciting, what they’ve released is really a set of pop backing tracks which aren’t half as interesting as they’re trying to be. With the mash up of genres which currently makes up the Top 40 landscape, eight tracks of light four-to-the-floor entertainment doesn’t really cut the mustard anymore.

It’ll no doubt sound ok at a quirky retro night, but for a band which once couldn’t be cooler if they were ice blocks, it seems as if the heat has worn away their sheen. They came, and it doesn’t seem like they’re going that far now.

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Walls - Coracle

Walls - Coracle
We all know the story by now: Sam Willis of KOMPAKT sub label Amazing Sounds teamed up with Banjo or Freakout man Alessio Natalizia to make an album of wide eyed, beautiful ambient techno for what would be their debut album last year. After making their names as the muso's artist of choice with their mixture of deep, tech-y basslines, minimalist build ups and epic, Heaven reaching synths, they're back. And on even better form.
We managed to catch them at their launch night at The Shacklewell Arms (where Amazing Sounds artist Luke Abbot supported). The hypnotic, beatifully constructed noise scapes, sound gardens, or any other terms which come close to describing their uniquely quality compositions, were sure not to disapoint second time around. Managing to turn the atmosphere of a back of a pub on a Tuesday night into one representing the mysticycism of a Warhol Factory party, or an early Berlin club, is no small feat. And testament to the genre hopping quality the duo have.
When they get back from supporting Battles in the US, they're hitting the Christmas ATP event at Butlins, they're sure not to be limited to the back of an East end pub for much longer. 'Coracle' is a work of art. And is one you need to experience.
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EP Address: Datassette, Sudan Archives, Mighty Lord Deathman and more…

We look back at some of the best EPs released over the summer, including debuts by Sudan Archives and Mighty Lord Deathman…

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