I first saw Sweet Baboo at Green Man festival a few years ago, where he replaced no-shows Television Personalities at (very) short notice. While this did mean he had to deal with an irate TP fan kicking up a fuss throughout the first half of his set, it didn’t distract from his excellent songs, which generally dealt with the pain and disappointment of relationships with a black and frequently violent humour.
His new single (a forerunner to fourth album “Ships”) indicates he’s making better music than ever. ‘Let’s Go Swimming Wild’ is a typically Jonathan Richman-inspired dissection of love which shifts from moroseness to jauntiness with some style. The video, directed by Casey Raymond, plays on the theme of touch-screens, with looming fingers altering different elements as the song progresses. It’s as sweetly twee as the song itself, despite the fact that Mr. Baboo claims he almost went blind making it. Oh yeah, watch out for a few internet memes along the way; including an appearance by Keyboard Cat…
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