Music identification program Shazam has hit the 300 million users mark, and to celebrate has launched new tablet and iPad updates which ramps up the social aspects of the app. It looks like they have their sights firmly set on TV ad tagging as the next area for growth, partnering with the Brit Awards last week to provide the first Shazam-enabled TV show we’ve ever seen (and hopefully the most boring Shazam-enabled TV show we will ever see).
It’s TV ads that are set to provide the real cream though, with executive vice president of marketing David Jones purring about how “it’s launched a double-digit million business on its own…with 200 campaigns where we’re getting paid low-six-figures on average. Shazam for TV advertising is going to become our primary revenue stream very quickly.”
Bully for them. Us? We’re just happy it’s getting better and better at identifying music, even in noisy clubs (see above for our latest discovery, Dibidim’s ‘Badminton Bay’)…
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