Next time your mobile network goes on the blink, before you start tossing out angry tweets consider that the animal kingdom may actually be to blame. That seems to be the case in Southampton anyway, where a peregrine falcon has decided to nest on top of a Vodafone transmitter and inadvertently knocked out some of its coverage in the area. Even more amusingly, the communications company are powerless to do anything about it, as they told Wired:
“As it is an offence under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to disturb these birds, [our engineer] was unable to carry out repairs. We have spoken to the RSPB and Natural England and we are currently reviewing all options. We’re sorry that some of our customers have been inconvenienced but surrounding masts will still be carrying calls and data. We are doing our best to get the site back up and running.”
You could say this cheeky beast is ‘falcon with the system’. Although it’s probably best not to.
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