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Real Bats Sing Batman


The bat: one of nature’s most inscrutable beasts. They may be the most vocal mammals on the planet after humans, but most of their communication happens at ultrasonic frequencies inaudible to the human ear. What are you saying, bat? Not even PRISM can tell us.

Luckily, a man called Wolter Seuntjens has had the idea of reducing the frequency of bat-song so we can hear it, and it turns out that they’re actually singing the ‘Batman’ theme as they flap through the night sky. Well, not really, sadly. But once Seuntjens and his associates realised that bat language is still pretty hard to translate even when you can hear it, they decided the next best thing was to simply use the recordings to make a new version of the famous superhero theme, set it to classic footage of the 60s TV show, and stick it up on Youtube. And, while the results are of dubious scientific value, that is something they should be applauded for.

Previous in Erm..

Julian Assange: Rapper

Julian Assange: Rapper
(That's 'rapper', not 'rape-r', by the way. Although it may be worth saving that headline for the future...) You'd imagine that Julian Assange's Ecuadorian hosts would be totally over his sofa-surfing stint in their embassy by now: not paying rent, hogging the bandwidth and never nipping down the shops for more milk after he finishes off the last bit, you can envision them dropping hints along the lines of; "So Julian, any luck looking for somewhere new yet? You know, apparently there's a room going in Sweden if you fancied taking a look? No? OK then..." Apparently that's not the case though. Instead they seem to be laying on plenty of entertainment for him, inviting over interesting guests and encouraging him to try out new rapping. Yes, that's right, Julian Assange is writing a rap song. Last week Puerto Rican rapper Rene Perez Joglar, aka Residente of the group Calle 13, called round to the embassy and the pair discussed writing some music together. Seeing as Calle 13 are known for their uncompromising political views and deep suspicion of the F.B.I., the collaboration does sort of make sense. Apparently they're to write "an interesting song about the new politics as a result of internet and media distortion". Sounds like a banger. While Assange has yet to reveal his stage name for the project (we're hoping for something along the lines of Weezy or Yeezy - 'Sleezy' perhaps?), you can get an idea of what the music might sound like by having a gander at the Calle 13 video below - which is even more enjoyable if you imagine it's Assange leaping naked out of the window as Theresa May bangs on the door...
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EP Address: Datassette, Sudan Archives, Mighty Lord Deathman and more…

We look back at some of the best EPs released over the summer, including debuts by Sudan Archives and Mighty Lord Deathman…

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