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To mark the opening of the Shard’ viewing platform, the Guardian have launched a 360-degree, augmented-reality panorama of London’s newest view. The online app is available here.  One particularly interesting feature is the inclusion of sound recordings from around the city. You can hear a South Bank busker or the London Philharmonic orchestra at the Albert Hall.

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What will the Playstation 4 Look Like?

What will the Playstation 4 Look Like?
Another twelve months until the self-destruct buttons go off in Playstation 3s around the country and gamers head out in droves to purchase the new Playstation 4. If you can’t wait that long you can check out some fan made mock ups of what the console could look like here.
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EP Address: Datassette, Sudan Archives, Mighty Lord Deathman and more…

We look back at some of the best EPs released over the summer, including debuts by Sudan Archives and Mighty Lord Deathman…

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