Earlier this year we described L. Pierre’s fantastic The Island Come True as “like a rescued 10p charity shop version of his earlier work” (it’s a compliment, honest). However, we don’t even know how to begin to approach his latest release.
For L. Pierre, aka former Arab Strap singer Aidan Moffat, has produced the world’s first Vine album. Yep, eight “theoretically never-ending” loops set to Vine videos, accordingly titled The Eternalist. The fact his music tends to be largely loop-based anyway means he pulls it off much better than most would, although it’s still a slightly odd experience. You can have a listen/watch at his Tumblr (‘Glint’, below, is our favourite), although he recommends searching for ‘LPierreMusic’ in the Vine app itself to get rid of the slight delay. Meanwhile, less technologically savvy L. Pierre fans can content themselves with the knowledge that he’ll be releasing a new LP, Surface Noise, on September 16th.
It seems to be the season for unusual album releases. Last week Warren Lewis released what he deemed to be the “world’s first visual rap album”. It turned out this translated as: “I’ve done some paintings”. But they’re quite good paintings, so if you’re intrigued then head here.
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