Comedy pop grindcore act Totally Fucking Gay live up to their name with songs like 'Ambassador of Ass', but the lurid carousel proves too much for Alex Platt...
The latest La Sera album sees Katy Goodman sharing a little more stage with guitarist and husband Todd Wisenbaker, making for a pleasurably jangly listen...
Anenon's superb new album revolves around his native L.A.'s obsession with cars, and it's likely to leave you transfixed like a deer in the headlights...
This Yoko Ono remix album is like a box of Quality Street, containing both nice green triangle pralines (tUnE-yArDs) and nasty strawberry creams (Danny Tenaglia)...
The Life Of Pablo is the most talked about album of the year so far - not least by Kanye West himself. But is it actually any good? Patrick Swift investigates...
Edinburgh noise trio Britney come at you like a malevolent brute-mob on their third album. Full of gingivitis gum cuddles and skinless shredding, it's sick in every sense...
The elemental rock of Virgiana doomsters Windhand manages to transport Jake Smith back in time, to a childhood spent rapt in drone-inspired reveries...
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