Synth-pop practitioner Alex Cameron showcases 'Jumping the Shark' at Moth Club - although you need to get past the comedy act before you can enjoy the music...
65daysofstatic try to distract from a dismal 2016 (and surpass the previous night's Cheeky Girls performance) during a warmly received homecoming gig...
When you go to a gig by a band you don't know, you generally have low expectations. Holy Fuck don't just surpass those expectations - they obliterate them...
If you got a chance to spend an evening in a crypt would you turn it down? If the answer is yes then you'd better leave, if the answer is no, then welcome...
The Underworld plays host to some seriously potent strains of heavy sludge groove, with Limb laying the groundwork for twin headliners Gurt & Dopethrone...
Godspeed You! Black Emperor give a typically powerful performance in London, after Kevin Doria's K/G/D brings at least two audience members to tears...
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